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Care Focus: The Global Field Environment: Why Love Matters

GCI September 18, 2024 Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus

Welcome to the Global Coherence Initiative’s September 18, 2024 Full Moon (02:34 GMT/UTC) Synchronized Care Focus. (The Full Moon is Sept. 17 or 18, depending on your time zone.) In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours) when GCI members can do the Care Focus together*. Thank you for being with us.

Let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone participating in the Care Focus and radiating love and appreciation to each other.

The Global Field Environment: Why Love Matters

Ilya Prigogine, physicist, chemist, and Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, demonstrated that "when a system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to lift the system to a higher order."

This is a profound discovery that helps to inform GCI’s research. Most of us would agree that our planet is far from equilibrium. Although we’re all globally connected by news and social media feeds, many people don’t get along with others who hold different political or religious views, and the polarization is creating a rising sea of chaos.

Earth is constantly bathed in electromagnetic fields that connect and affect every living organism on the planet – including human beings. GCI researchers discovered that emotional information – our positive and negative feelings – radiate out as vibrations or frequencies through our heart’s magnetic field into the global environment, affecting each other.

Since each person radiates their thoughts, feelings and interactions into the global field, it’s important that each of us intentionally "feed the field" with coherent frequencies of love and compassion to help lift the planetary system to a higher order.

Helping Love Go Viral

Warm-hearted feelings generate coherence in our heart rhythms that help to deepen our interactions with others. The warmth of genuine connection in the heart and sharing deeper heart experiences contribute to raising our personal and collective humanity. As we take more energetic responsibility to add heart qualities into our interactions, this makes it easier for others to do the same. Heart qualities – including compassionate care, kindness, gratitude, patience, and forgiveness – are manifestations of love in action. This is how love can go viral – and it is much needed now.

Getting in Sync

GCI research is also finding that joining in synchronized heart meditations and Care Focuses amplifies our love and elevates our individual and collective vibrations (feelings) so we can perceive higher choices that benefit the wholeness.

We appreciate you participating in GCI’s synchronized Care Focuses. As we’ve shared previously, if even a small percentage of people commit to generating love and compassion in synchronized heart meditations and adding more heart qualities into their day-to-day interactions, this can help soften the planetary waves of fear and chaos. That is what the Planetary Shift is about.

It’s a Planetary Shift to Love and care in our interactions.

Care Focus: Helping Love Go Viral

  1. Breathe in love and get still in your heart. As you breathe out, radiate love into your mental, emotional, and physical system. See your heart, brain and nervous system aligning in harmony and coherence.
  2. Now, radiate warm-hearted feelings of love and gratitude to all who are coming together in heart-focused meditations to help lift planetary consciousness. See your heart’s commitment becoming more coherent and effective while breathing your intention into the global field.
  3. Next, envision more people committing to adding heart qualities of care, compassion, patience, kindness, gratitude, etc., in day-to-day life. This is love making its way to the street, bringing a lift in spirit that helps people move through challenges. It’s love and heart connection that’s going to turn the tide and create a new baseline for a world we want to live in.
  4. Now, let’s close by radiating our collective love and compassion to all people and nations on the planet suffering from political divisiveness, trauma, wars, natural disasters, and other major stressors.

You can continue to do the Care Focus, if convenient, after the full moon period, as this will help raise the vibratory rate of the personal and collective field environment.

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

GCI Steering Committee and Staff

  • The following website is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone.

    • Select Time: 8 p.m. (date optional).
    • Convert from: Location: USA – California – San Francisco.
    • Convert to: Location: (Select your Country/City).

  • Learn more about the Global Coherence App, Synchronized Care Focus events and to how to download the app.